OAH Filing Methods

January 2, 2025

Filings may be submitted in one of five ways:

  1. E-Filing System. Use the e-filing system if you are already approved to utilize the e-filing system for your appeal. If you are not an approved e-filer, you may access the e-filing system by completing the E-filing Terms of Use Agreement. This Agreement is located at the “Resources” tab on the OAH website. The e-filing system is the most effective way for parties to verify that their filings have been received by OAH and to receive prompt notice of filings and orders in your appeal.
  2. E-mail OAH@ks.gov may be used to e-mail filings to OAH. Your e-mail must include the OAH appeal number, your name, your complete mailing address, and your phone number with area code. This information lets us put your filing in the correct appeal and we can contact you if we have any questions. DO NOT send questions or general correspondence to this email address as OAH will not respond.
  3. Fax. File by fax at (785) 296-4848. Your fax must include the OAH appeal case number, your name, your complete mailing address, and your phone number with area code. This information lets us put your filing in the correct appeal and we can contact you if we have any questions.
  4. Mail or third-party delivery services. Filings may be sent to OAH through U.S. mail or other letter/parcel delivery services such as FedEx or UPS. OAH’s address is 1020 S. Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66612.
  5. Delivery. Filings may be hand delivered to OAH, but entry will be limited and controlled. After you enter the building, look for the cluster mailbox in the lobby. The file stamp is on the side of the mailbox. Use the file stamp on your filing and put it in the slot labeled “Drop Filings Here.” If you want a “filed” stamp copy, please bring an additional copy of the filing to file stamp.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office at (785) 296-2433.